Monday, December 15, 2008


Although scooting is still his preferred method of transportation, Peter is walking more and more. Here are a few videos for your enjoyment. :)

Also, in case you are wondering, he is not trying to make a fashion statement. This is what happens when you need a change of clothes and all of your warm clothes are in the washing machine. After lunch on Sunday, I was getting Peter ready for a nap. He had gotten something on his pants, so I changed him into pajama pants. As I was changing his diaper, he decided that it was a great time to pee all over his shirt. Good thing he doesn't care if his clothes match or not!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Visiting the Horses

Visit to the Cardiologist

When Peter was born, the doctors in the NICU heard a heart murmur. Our pediatrician heard it as well, so we were referred to a pediatric cardiologist. When Peter was almost 3 months old, we saw Dr. Holt. The visit showed that Peter did indeed have a small hole in his heart. We were told that it should close on its own. We went back for a follow-up appointment today, and it has completely healed on its own!
Andrew was able to leave work early to go with us. The appointment lasted a little over an hour, so it was nice to have his help. They started with an EKG. Peter was very interested in what was going on, so he was very still while the tech worked.

After the EKG, we had to do a sonogram of Peter's heart. We had lots of distractions - toys, goldfish crackers, Baby Einstein dvd, mobiles, music, lights, and more. Peter had to stay very still while the tech looked at his heart. She was great with little ones, and Peter did a great job for her. She was able to get all of the pictures she needed.

While we waited for Dr. Holt, Peter enjoyed scooting all over the exam room and looking out the window.

Finally, Dr. Holt came in to listen to Peter's heart. The sonogram showed that the hole had healed on its own, so everything looks great. He did tell us that we might still hear a faint sound in the future that sounds like a murmur, but it's nothing to worry about it. Peter is a completely healthy little guy. :)

After the visit, we took Peter to EZ's for a snack. We shared some of my chocolate shake, and he got to have ketchup on his french fries for the first time.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008