Saturday, December 22, 2007

Cardiologist Appointment

I realized that I never gave an update on the cardiologist appointment...

I took Peter to a pediatric cardiologist on Tuesday. We were there for 2 hours, but he did great. He weighed 12 lbs 5 oz and was 24 1/4 inches long. That's up a pound from his 2-month check-up! The nurse did an EKG first. Peter had little stickers all over him with wires connected. It brought back memories from the NICU. He was a good sport and talked to the nurse the whole time. After that, Dr. Holt came in and listened to his heart. We had been there for a while by then, so Peter had fallen asleep. Dr. Holt let me hold Peter while he listened, and Peter stayed asleep the whole time! The last thing they did was an ultrasound of Peter's heart. He was wide awake by this time. The ultrasound tech needed him to be as still as possible. I sat on the table with him and helped distract him. They had a mobile, music, and lots of lights to keep him occupied. He was very interested in the picture of his heart, so he stayed pretty still as he was watching it. 20 minutes later - he was finished!

Dr. Holt called the murmur an innocent murmur. Apparently there is a small hole between two chambers of the heart that hasn't closed yet. It's not uncommon for babies to have this, and the hole should close on its own within a year. We will have another appointment in a year to make sure everything is ok. It shouldn't cause any problems at all because it's so small. Praise God that it isn't anything to worry about!

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