Christmas this year was very low-key and relaxing for us. Being 9 months pregnant and ready to deliver in just a few days, I knew that I wouldn't be doing much this year. My mom and sister helped put up the tree a couple of weeks ago, and Peter decorated with a few ornaments and candy canes. He's been watching the Veggietales DVD about
Saint Nicholas a lot lately, and Bob is decorating a Christmas tree in the DVD. Every time Peter looked at the tree, he always said, "Like Bob!" The video is a great way to introduce kids to the true story behind Santa.
Another thing that we did differently this year was not buying gifts. This was a little hard for me at first (I love to shop and buy gifts for people during the holidays), but it was just a decision we made this year. Andrew bought a few things for Peter, but it was quite relaxing for me not to have to be running around with a toddler trying to get things for everyone on the list.
Andrew's mom came into town a few days ago, so we've really been enjoying her visit. She has helped tremendously with cleaning, playing and helping with Peter, and getting the house ready to bring baby home. She cooked Christmas dinner today, so that was another thing I didn't have to worry about.
It's amazing the difference a year makes! This time last year, Peter wasn't all that interested in opening or playing with any gifts. This year, he had a great time passing out a few presents and opening the ones that were for him. He would start to open it, and then he would say, "What is it? What is it Daddy? What is it Mommy?" It was adorable. He enjoyed playing with everything as he opened it. It was nice to have a relaxing day and let him open and play with things on a relaxing schedule. He had a great play day with all of his new toys!
I took a TON of pictures, so here is just a sample...enjoy! :)

hanging out with his bus and new wagon (that will have wheels - it just needed Daddy to hammer them on!)

opening some new trains

Daddy helping Peter open the box

"A new Thomas!"

helping Mommy open the gift that Peter got for her - a beautiful necklace and earrings

looking at the earrings

opening a butterfly kit - we'll have to send off for some caterpillars in the spring

Peter helping Daddy open his new razor

a new Elmo tent

40 new toy cars!!

Homer also enjoyed relaxing today

lining up all 40 cars

Grandma and Peter playing with a new puzzle

looking at a new book

looking at a new bath toy
Merry Christmas!!!