Friday, April 30, 2010

Sibling Love

Dear Peter and Danielle,
One day, when you guys are arguing about something and not very happy with each other, please remember this moment. :)

4 Months

15 lbs 6 oz - 85th percentile
26 inches - 96th percentile

4 months already??? What happened to my little newborn? Danielle's personality is really starting to show through. She's so easy going, and she is a people-watcher just like her big brother. She is really starting to "talk" to us and laugh, and it's so much fun to interact with her!

Happy 4 month birthday sweet girl - WE LOVE YOU!!!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Just Like Pop!

Peter and I were at the table eating muffins this morning while Danielle enjoyed some time in her swing. I finished my first muffin, and Peter asked me where it was. When I told him that the muffin was in my tummy, he asked to see it. Ummmm, I don't think so. Then he told me to take a bite of my second muffin and show him what was in my mouth. Hmmm...where in the world did he learn that??? When I didn't do as he asked, he proceeded to show me what he wanted me to do. He took a big bite of his muffin and then opened his mouth as wide as he could. He was so tickled at himself for showing his food to Mommy. Of course I had to ask him to do it again so I could get a picture. Pop would be so proud!!!

When we were growing up, my step-dad, Ronny, loved to show the food in his mouth to anyone who happened to be looking his way. Well, he still does it, so I guess it didn't only take place while we were growing up! The only rule was that no one was allowed to show their food to Mom. I guess Peter wants to be a part of this Metcalf family tradition. :)

Monday, April 19, 2010

3:30 am

Dear Mommy,

I know it's only 3:30 in the morning. I'm just not sleepy! I know that you would rather play with me than sleep anyway. :)


Friday, April 16, 2010

2 1/2 Years!

Dear Peter,

You turned 2 1/2 at the end of March, and you are really growing up!! You amaze me every day - you are brilliant!!! Your speech is amazing. You usually speak in complete sentences, and I am very impressed that you often use correct grammar. You have lots of friends, and you talk about them often - Avery, Sam, Gerry, Hudson, Sydney, and many more. Your favorite color right now is green - you always ask for two pieces of green candy (ok, really the wrappers are green) after lunch. Besides your apple juice in the morning, your favorite thing to drink is lemonade (well, you call it wemonade!).
I love how we can have actual conversations. Your are a real chatterbox, and it's so neat to be able to actually have a glimpse of what is going on in your head. It makes me so happy to hear you tell me that you love me! You have such a sweet heart, and it's neat to hear you talk about your concern for someone else. You seem genuinely sad when someone else is crying, and you often try to comfort your little sister when she's upset.
I think your absolute favorite thing to do these days is to play outside in the backyard. You often ask me, "Please I play outside in the backyard?" You play in your little house, chase Homer all around the yard, go down your slide, and spend a lot of time in your swing. You will soon have a playscape to play on as well, so I know you will love that!

I'm so excited to see what the next six months will bring as we get closer to your 3rd birthday. I love you, and I am so proud of the little boy that you are becoming.

Monday, April 12, 2010

A Retraction

I knew that my sweet 3-month-old sleeping through the night was way too good to be true! Ever since I posted that she was sleeping so well, she has decided that waking once or twice a night again is the way to go. When she was awake at 3:30 this morning, though, all I could think about was how thankful I am to be able to get up with her. It's crazy how your perspective changes once you go through such a huge life-changing experience.

Someday she'll sleep through the night again. Until then, I'll enjoy every waking moment with my precious little girl.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

3 Months!

Dear Danielle,

I can't believe that you are already 3 months old! Time has flown! I am so thankful to be home to celebrate each of your new milestones with you. Your personality is really starting to shine! You enjoy looking at everything going on around you, and you are really starting to interact with people. We love looking at your smile! :) You are starting to get into some sort of a schedule with your eating, sleeping, and awake time. You are a great napper during the day - if you are in someones arms. You still don't really prefer sleeping by yourself during the day. Night, however, is a different story. You typically go to bed between 8:30pm and 11:00pm, and you sleep until between 6am and 7am!!! Yes, at 3 months of age, you are sleeping through the night!! You are still sleeping in your glider (although it isn't turned on), so this may change once we move you to your bed soon. As far as eating, you eat every 2 - 4 hours. You take 4 oz in your bottles, and you are nursing some as well. When you're awake and not eating, you enjoy sitting in your rocking chair, playing on your playmat, and sitting in your bumbo seat! You are such a joy, and I thank God every day for healing me so I can enjoy each day with you! I love you!



Happy Easter!

Low in the grave he lay, Jesus my Savior,

Waiting the coming day, Jesus my Lord!

Up from the grave He arose,

With a mighty triumph o'er His foes,

He arose a Victor from the dark domain,

And He lives forever, with His saints to reign!

He arose! He arose!

Hallelujah! Christ arose!

I am so blessed to be spending Easter with my family - holding my kiddos!! Praise God for healing my body and allowing me to return home to the three most precious people in my life.

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow,
Because He lives, all fear is gone;
Because I know He holds the future,
And life is worth the living,
Just because He lives!

Happy Easter 2010!!!