I haven't added anything to the blog in a while, so I thought I'd give some quick updates...more pictures to follow in the next few days.
-Peter is finally completely well! He was sick for pretty much the entire month of April and the first week of May. It's nice to have a healthy baby again.

-The introduction of solids slowed down a bit while Peter was sick, but we're getting back into it. He will eat some cereal for the sitter during the day, but he really doesn't want it in the evenings. He did feed himself a few bites the other day, though. It was a little messy, but he had fun! Besides cereal, Peter has also tried celery, cheerios, and bread.

-Peter went to his first Round Rock Express game last weekend. Although they lost, he had a great time watching everything going on and playing with toys.
-Yesterday was the March of Dimes March for Babies in downtown Austin. Andrew, Peter, and I walked 4 miles in support of March of Dimes and the work they do to keep all babies healthy. My National Junior Honor Society kids at school have been collecting coins and asking for online donations. We have raised over $1500 so far!
-We put Peter in his swimming pool for the first time yesterday as well. He wasn't too sure about the cold water at first. I think he was also confused at why he had a diaper, swimming suit, and shirt on while he was in the water. Once he got used to it, though, Peter and Daddy played in the pool for quite a while. 
-Grandma, Grandpa, and Auntie Em came to visit for Mother's Day and Baby Dedication this weekend. We had nice visit, and we can't wait to see them again at the end of May when we go to Houston for Uncle Marc's high school graduation.
Well, that's it for now...I'll post more pictures soon from the baseball game, March for Babies, Baby Dedication, and our Mother's Day Card Photo Shoot. Goodnight!