Friday, September 12, 2008

On the Move...

Our house will never be the same. We have a mobile toddler! He isn't walking...he isn't crawling...he scoots around the entire house on his rear end! He started out slow. He would scoot in a small area, mostly in circles. Then he started scooting around the room he was in, but he wouldn't leave the room. Now he scoots as fast as he can anywhere he wants before I go get him and bring him back. He tried to chew on Armani's bone today. Then he tried to eat his food. He had one bite in his mouth. As soon as I took it out, he had another bite waiting in his hand. Let the baby-proofing begin!

Here's a video of Peter scooting...

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

How clever of him! I've never seen anything like it!