As Peter gets older, we are able to do so much more with him. Although he enjoyed playing with the presents he got last Christmas, this year will be so much more exciting to him. He enjoys opening gifts and checking out everything. He also enjoys giving gifts. I've been very impressed at his desire to share things - even things he LOVES! He noticed the other day that I had finished my brownie for dessert after dinner. He broke off a piece of his (which he was really enjoying) and gave it to me. It was so sweet.
I decided this year to try to get him involved in various aspects of getting ready for the holidays. Because Baby
Hazen is due right around Christmas, our holidays are not as involved this year. We will be staying in town and just doing a whole lot of playing at home and relaxing. I do have some craft activities planned for him, but other than that, this will be a very low-key holiday season for us.
However, I really want him to start to grasp the concept that Christmas is all about Jesus. I know he will enjoy getting gifts as well, but I want him to grow up with the knowledge that Jesus is the real reason that we celebrate Christmas. I want him to enjoy giving as much as getting. So, I decided to help him fill a shoebox for
Operation Christmas Child this year.
We spent some time Saturday morning picking out toiletries, gifts, and other little things at
Wal-Mart. I told Peter we were picking out presents for a little boy just like him that wouldn't get any presents this Christmas. He picked out a toothbrush, toothpaste, band-aids, toy cars, a toy horse, gloves, and more. He had fun looking at everything he picked out as he put it in the cart.
When we got home, we used a shoebox that my mom had left here on her last visit (Thanks Mom!). I let Peter look at everything and put it in the box. Here are a couple of pictures...

We delivered the box to church on Sunday so it can be shipped to a little boy just like Peter in another country. We will be able to track our box online, so I will be able to show Peter on the map where his box went. I can't wait to do it again next year - a new tradition has been started in the
Hazen family. :)