Right around the time Danielle turned 6 months old, I tried to start her on solid food. She wasn't too fond of having something other than formula in her mouth, so it didn't go all that well. I don't think it was the taste that bothered her. I think it was the texture. She absolutely refused to swallow it.

Peter even gave it a try, but it was a no go. She wasn't ready to eat yet. She obviously preferred her bottles.

Thinking that maybe she just didn't like the rice cereal, I even tried apples and pears. I tried several times over the course of a few weeks. She would take a bite, but every bit of it just came right back out. She seemed to play with it in her mouth a bit, and then she would just spit the entire bite out.
Then Nana came to visit. The day before she came, I tried to give Danielle some pears. Once again, she spit them out. She just didn't want to swallow them. However, now that Nana has fed her, she's a great eater!!

One day she refuses to swallow anything, the next day she loves eating cereal, pears, prunes, sweet potatoes, cheerios, and peach yogurt drops (which Peter also enjoys!). I think my mom must just know how to feed babies - I guess after having four, she should know. :) Maybe Danielle just needed a new face to convince her to eat. Whatever it is, though, I'm happy. She is finally eating solid foods which means a little cutback on bottles. It also means that she's on the way to eating table food!

Thanks to Nana for helping Danielle learn to like swallowing strange mush that we call baby food! :)
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