My cousin Holly came over this morning for a few hours to play with the kids and observe Danielle for a class she's taking. Both kids LOVED playing with her. Danielle especially loved the bubbles that Holly blew for her, and Peter was really interested in the flip camera that Holly had used to videotape Danielle playing. We had a great visit, and I can't wait for her to come back.
Did you know that today is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day? I didn't either - until this week. It's amazing what you notice once you are actually thrown into it. A day to remember babies who were born to soon or gone too quickly? I had no idea. I'll tell you this, though. I'll remember this day every year now that I'm a part of it. Peter has no idea that today is a day to remember these babies, but his timing was very interesting when we had this conversation this morning...
Peter: Mommy, do you have a baby in your tummy?
Mommy: No Peter, not anymore.
Peter: Did God take it?
Mommy: Yes Peter, He did.
Peter: Were you crying in the doctor's office?
Mommy: Yes, I was.
And that was it. After talking about it, he was off to the next topic of conversation. It's only the second or third time that he's asked about the baby since we found out the baby was gone. Why he remembered today, I'll never know.
We also got a card from Scott and White in the mail today. It was an invitation to a Service of Remembering for families who have experienced miscarriage, stillbirth, ectopic pregnancy, or infant loss in their hospitals. The service is next Saturday. Saturday will be exactly a month since we saw the ultrasound without the heartbeat. I would have been 21 weeks on Saturday. I'm glad they are doing something. I think it is definitely part of the healing process, and I think it will help in providing some closure.
I think my biggest fear is that the baby will be forgotten. I'm worried that, in a year, no one will even remember there was a baby. I know that the baby only lived 16 weeks, and all of that inside of me, but that baby was important to us, and I pray that the baby is never forgotten.
beautifully written Kara
I remember and I promise not to forget.
You are so strong... I know you don't feel it right now, but everyone outside of you can see it so clearly...
A year, 5 years, 8 years, 30 years. This baby will never be forgotten. Through the years raising Kevin and Melissa I would find myself thinking for just a split second like someone was missing. Like when they were getting in the car to go to the store or park. It’s always been odd to me. With each one that I lost, I still felt they were a part of my family anyway, and they were missing and very much missed. And that’s OK. You are allowed to feel that way. Don’t try to change or fix that. I still miss my Grandma too. We don’t try to let it go and pretend we never had grandparents because it’s easier that way. It’s not easier! It will always be a part of who you are. I never had a child still born, or lost as an infant or any other age. God promises not to give us more than we can handle. I just don’t think I could handle that. But I have been able to use the loss through miscarriage to talk and counsel with friends who have lost a child. Amazing I can’r see how I helped, but some how God spoke through me and used what I had been through to help. You will be able to do the same.
I love you so much!!
This sweet baby will always be in your hearts and minds. Even now, I see a 9 year old and think, 'Would my son be that tall?' Some of the doctors tell you to "move on" and some of our friends treat the subject like is is taboo but each and every one of my babies lived, even if only in my womb, and each and every one of them is now with a loving Heavenly Father and one day I will meet them.
This is a song by Selah. "I Will Carry You"
You'll surely identify with it.
Thinking about you today, Kara.
Marcella :)
Here's another one. Melissa Greene's "I Choose to Trust (Jody's song)"
(If I remember right, the brother had a terminal illness and they prayed for healing. He died anyway. This is the sister's song.)
Marcella :)
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