When Peter was 3 1/2 months old, I had to go back to work. A sweet friend of mine, also named Kara, watched Peter during the day from January through May. Kara's husband, Mark, owns a
lawn care/landscaping business. I think Mark might have influenced my son - Peter LOVES to be outside, and he loves plants and rocks.
Every time he goes outside, he finds a new rock. He holds onto it the entire time he's outside. He only puts it down to trade for another rock. When it's time to come inside, I have him leave his rocks (I call them treasures) on the small table on our porch. When he goes outside the next time, his first stop is the table to pick up his treasures. We were outside the other day, and I was able to get a little video of Peter. Enjoy. Oh, and if any of you need some
yard work done, please let us know in about 17 years or so. We might have just the guy for you!! :)
O my gosh! Love him! Except the video kept stopping so we didn't get the full effect. (<3 Aunt Amy)
The video messed up on me the first time I viewed it on the blog as well. I just tried it again, though, and it's working. Hopefully it will work for you the next time. :)
It did. Too funny. He's like a little man. Can't wait to play with him!
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