Monday, May 4, 2009

Earth Day Celebration

Peter and I enjoyed celebrating Earth Day last month. We spent a lot of time outside. We played...and played...and played some more! We even ate our snack outside.

We talked about how living things need water to grow. Homer demonstrated this for us.

I tried to talk about how scientists believe global warming is affecting glaciers, but I'm not sure Peter got it. ;) Peter got a water table recently, and he LOVES to play in it. It's the Arctic Splash Water Table from Step 2, and it has a plastic glacier mountain. When you pour water in the top, it comes down the slide like it's melting. My teacher brain thinks, "Ooh, teachable moment..." However, seeing as my "student" was a toddler instead of an 13-year-old, it was a bit over his head. However, one day, when Peter becomes a scientist who studies things like this, I can say that gave him his first taste of earth science. :)

The part that Peter enjoyed the most was playing with the beans. We soaked pinto beans in water to prep them for germination. Then we put them in a baggie and put them by the window. The roots started to appear within a couple of days! Andrew helped Peter plant them, and now we are growing bean plants on our back porch.

We ended the day by coloring a picture of the earth and watching Sesame Street video about taking care of the earth.

It's fun to celebrate holidays. I know that Peter won't remember doing any of this. He'll see the pictures someday, though, and it will be fun to reminisce about all the fun times I had with him growing up.

Next up - Cinco de Mayo!!


Rebecca said...

I love the global warming teachable moment! I think the bean planting was the best for the age, though.

Thanks for the advance plans for Cinco de Mayo.

Papa John said...

Thanks so much for all the pics. I love looking at them and check about every day for new ones.

Mya and River said...

You are such a great mom! What a lucky little guy!