Friday, October 2, 2009

What could have been a disaster...

Peter woke up at 2:45 this morning in his usual way these days - calling for Mommy. I waiting a few minutes to see if he would settle back down, but of course he didn't. I was at least thankful that it was 2:45am and not 11pm like he was waking up at a couple of weeks ago.

I went into his room, and it was really dark. We've tried to make sure it's as dark as possible because we thought he might sleep better that way. I get to his bed, and I can see that he's holding something. Then he starts saying, "Uh oh, uh oh". Hearing "uh oh" in the middle of the night can't be good...

I thought at first it was a stuffed animal or blanket or something.

Nope, it was his pajama pants!!! The pajama pants he wore to bed last night were a little big. I didn't think anything of it, but apparently they didn't stay on him! I quickly felt that he still had his diaper on, and he did. This is where it could have gone very poorly. I hear tons of stories of little ones who take off their diapers in bed and major messes are made before morning.

Thankfully, my sweet little guy just held his pajama pants for Mommy to put back on and never touched his diaper! Thank you Peter - You will never know how much I appreciate that!!! :)


Anonymous said...

Oh, thats cute. Were they the ones that Grandma just bought?

Mya and River said...

Oh you are so lucky. LOL Mya pulled that one on me one time, and there was a mess EVERYWHERE!! Even on her face....gross!!!!