Friday, May 7, 2010

Morning Routine

This is what a typical morning looks like in our house. Danielle is usually up sometime around 6ish. If she wakes up any earlier, I just nurse her in the glider and we both fall back asleep. Around 7:15 or so, Peter starts stirring. If I don't get to his room fast enough, he comes out and appears at the top of the stairs. He tells me that he came out of his room and asks for me to please open the gate. Then we go downstairs to change his diaper and get dressed. If Danielle isn't on the floor, he immediately asks for me to put her on the floor so that he can be next to her. He always asks, "Please I shuch her head?" He loves to touch her hair and hug and kiss her. It's just too cute. She has started turning toward him when he is next to her so that her feet are on his tummy. Peter thinks this is so funny because Danielle is "shuching" him too!

I love to watch them interact with each other. It is the sweetest thing to see them loving on each other, and I pray that they always have such a precious relationship.