Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Look Mommy! I made a "P"!!!

I've been debating lately when to start "preschool" with Peter. With my work schedule, I can't put him in a traditional preschool program. At this point, my plan is to do preschool-type activities with him at home. Although he's picked up on some basic letter recognition and math skills, I haven't really done anything formal with him. Peter's birthday is at the end of September, so he misses the cut-off for starting school by less than a month. If I start preschool with him now, he still has three more years before starting kindergarten. Quite a few of the kids that will be in his class just recently turned 2. Anyway, it's just been a debate I've been having with myself lately - start preschool now or wait another year.

Until today.

The debate ended today.

Danielle and I were sitting on the floor when Peter came to show us this.
Peter: Look Mommy! I made a "P"!

Mommy: (honestly not really expecting to see the letter P) Let me see. Wow! You really wrote a "P"! Good job Peter!!

Peter: Now I'll make a "T".

At that point, he went off and "wrote" some more. It wasn't really legible to me, but he said he wrote his name.

Um, so I'll be starting preschool with him in October. We'll spend 26 weeks focusing on all of the letters of the alphabet. I better get started finding letter activities. :)


Summer Kinard said...

Awesome. I'm going to copy cat some of your letter activities. You come up with so many cool ideas already, I am excited to see how you tackle the alphabet.

Yay, Peter!

Anonymous said...

So smart!!

Kristen M. said...

This is a cute idea I saw on a blog a while back. It's being sold as a curriculum kit/e-book - but you could apply the concept yourself.
What I thought was fun was that each letter includes a corresponding service project, recipe, etc. For example...bake an apple pie and deliver it to a friend whose name begins with "A".

lolcatsdeamon13 said...

Congratulations! Your son is amazingly smart :)