Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Peter slept in his bassinet for most of last night. This is the first time! He slept with me on the couch for about an hour before we went upstairs.

He slept in our bed from 10:30 - 12:30. Andrew woke me up at 12:30 to let me know Peter was hungry. He wasn't fussing or crying - he was just enjoying sucking on his hand. This is a sure sign that crying is next, so I got up to feed him. I swaddled him and put him in his bed at 1:30. He slept until 4:30 - 3 hours of sleep for Mom!!! I fed him at 4:30 and put him back to bed at 5:30. He slept until 8:20!

He usually takes his naps either in my arms, his pack 'n play, or his carseat (if we're out running errands). Today I took a chance and put him down in his bassinet. He was tired, but he wasn't asleep. I swaddled him, put him down, and turned on the radio. A few minutes of fussing and he was out! He slept from 10:30-11:20 this morning!!! I was able to take a shower and still have time to spare. :)

He napped again this afternoon for 2 hours in his bassinet. This is the first time that he has napped for this long alone. I was so proud of him. Now we are headed to bed . . . I'm hoping for a repeat of last night. :)

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