Peter is already a month old! Time sure flies by. It's hard to believe that just a month ago we were at the hospital. We have had TONS of visitors since arriving home! It was nice to have so many people staying with us for the first month to help with laundry, dishes, cleaning, and loving on Peter. It's amazing the things I took for granted before he was born -- things like showering every morning, eating warm food, sleeping for more than an hour at a time...Although life has changed drastically for us, our little boy is absolutely worth every bit of it. I never thought I would be so in love with someone so little and completely dependent on me that getting up in the middle of the night was actually a blessing - a time to snuggle and enjoy the new little blessing that God has given to us.
Here are a few pics from the past few weeks!
Grandma and Grandpa Hazen visit from New Jersey!
Aunt Amy visits from New Jersey!
Grandma visits from Houston!
Papa John and Grandma visit from Johnson City!
Mr. and Mrs. Hastings visit from across the street!
Visiting with the Great-Grandparents!
Grandma Karen visits from Las Vegas!
Grandpa visits from Houston!
Mommy and Peter reading the mail.
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