Thursday, July 24, 2008

Hooray for Pancakes!!!

I went out of my comfort zone today and made pancakes for breakfast. I know that some of you are thinking, "Umm, pancakes are so easy to make. Why was that out of your comfort zone?"

The batter is easy - just add water. :) The pouring onto the pan is easy. It's the flipping that I am not so crazy about. Here's why...

I worked at a Christian camp called Camp Peniel every summer during college. At the end of the summer, most of the staff would take a trip to Lake City, Colorado and camp in the mountains for a week. Lake City is AMAZING. If you have not been there, I highly recommend it. There were quite a few of us, so we would take turns cooking breakfast and dinner. We would be in groups of 3-4 for this task. We had a campfire, a propane stove, and running water that you had to walk several campsites over to get. So one of the meals I had to help prepare was pancakes. For the life of me, I couldn't flip my pancakes without the batter going everywhere. I happily gave that job to another person and cooked sausages instead. That was about 10 years ago, and I have always had this fear that I would never learn to flip pancakes. Instead of trying to learn, I just didn't do it.

Until today...

Peter is pretty much completely on table food. He still eats a little baby food here and there, but he prefers to eat what we eat. Last weekend he ate mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, chicken afredo, cheese enchiladas, rice, and beans. So far this week he's had chicken fingers (which I made), potatoes, macaroni and cheese, apricots, applesauce, hamburger, french fries, and pancakes. Don't worry - we are working on the vegetables!!!

Now that he likes table food, I have to really make sure that I am making things for him that he enjoys and can eat. Staying home this summer has definitely given me time to do that, so I tried pancakes today. They turned out well, and I think he enjoyed them...
Maybe I'll try french toast some time...yet another food that I had to make in Lake City that never did turn out quite right...

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