Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Sharing is NOT always caring!

When I taught kinder and 1st grade, I often found myself saying . . . "Sharing is caring!" Well, Peter is sharing, and I do not think it is caring at all!

First, Peter shared his stomach virus with both Andrew and me.

Now he has shared it with 3 kids at daycare. Ok, they could have caught it somewhere else, as we did wait several days after Peter stopped throwing up to take him back to the sitter. However, the timing is just too weird...


On a good note, he really isn't letting his broken arm get to him. He is trying to pull up on EVERYTHING, and he is even starting to cruise the furniture a little. He was doing this some before he got hurt, and we were worried about a delay in cruising/walking due to the broken arm. Worries gone - this boy wants to move! :)

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