One more month, and Peter turns 2! I can't believe how fast time has gone by. He is getting so big, and he is learning so many things. His vocabulary is incredible, and he's forming more and more sentences.
My two favorite sentences heard from Peter's mouth tonight - "I'm naked!" and "One minute."
As a teacher, I often find myself giving 10-minute, 5-minute, and 1-minute warnings to the kids so they will know when it's time to move on. I've done the same thing at home with 2-minute and 1-minute warnings. I've been laughed at many times for telling my 1-year-old that he has 1 more minute to play. I've been told that he has no idea what I'm saying. After tonight, I beg to differ. No, I don't think Peter actually gets the concept of time. However, I think he does understand that when I say "one minute", it's getting very close to something else happening. After running around the house naked after a bath, Peter chose to end the day by jumping on our bed (in a diaper, of course!!). He loves to stand on my pillow and jump face-first into the comforter.
After a few minutes of this, I told him that it was time to go to his room to go to bed. His response? "One minute!" He gets it. :)
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