Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Last Free Plane Ride

Peter took his very last free plane ride when we came home from New Jersey. Once he turns 2 next month, we have to start paying for his seat. Although spending the extra money doesn't sound all that great, it will be helpful for him to be able to sit in his seat and have that extra space.
We really didn't have a lot of extra time in the Newark Airport. We got there in plenty of time, but security took a while. Unlike the Austin airport, Newark is actually busy. Check-in and security in Austin takes all of 5 minutes. Check-in and security in Newark can take forever!!! We made it through security with no problems. Peter even walked through the metal detector all by himself. He is getting so big!
We got to the gate, and I went to the restroom to change Peter's diaper one last time before the flight. Not that it really made any difference - he had two poopy diapers mid-flight!!! He ALWAYS has poppy diapers on the airplane, and I have no idea why. Luckily Continental has changing tables in their bathrooms. :)
Then Andrew went to get us a snack, and Peter played with the luggage and socialized with the other people waiting for the flight.

He walks over to another passenger who is working on a Sudoku puzzle. After waving and saying hi, Peter proceeds to watch him work the puzzle very intently. The man must like kids - he gave Peter his pen and let Peter draw all over the page. Peter loved it!!!

Once on board, Peter did great. We often have to wait A LONG time to take off from Newark (remember this???). We were blessed to be 4th in line time, and we were in the air in no time! Peter was a bit fidgety when he had to sit in my lap for take-off, but he spent quite a bit of his time standing between my legs or sitting in Andrew's chair while Andrew stood. There was a boy in the seat next to us (maybe 12?), and he didn't mind Peter talking to him and playing with the buttons on the pocket on the side of his shorts. I'm glad we had someone nice sitting next to us. Peter read books, played with his garbage truck, ate snacks, watched DVDs, and looked for dogs in the in-flight magazine. He really has a thing for garbage trucks and dogs these days!! The flight was smooth, and we made it home without any problems. Peter was so tired (he didn't sleep at all on the flight) that he fell asleep as soon as we got to the car.
Next flight will be with 2 little ones - I'm hoping Peter teaches his sibling all about being a good flyer! :)

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

I had forgotten your last nightmare on the tarmac story. Jeez. I'm glad for your sake that Peter is such a good traveler. Better than I am, at least.