Thursday, February 28, 2008
5 Months

Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Exercising His Rights

The Texas primaries are on March 4. Early voting ends this Friday.
Don't forget to VOTE!!!
Monday, February 25, 2008
A Week of Fun!!!
Peter was so upset that Grandma and Aunt Amy left, he had a very rough weekend -- or maybe he had a rough weekend because I think he has hit a major growth spurt! He decided to eat every 1.5 hours last weekend (as opposed to 3-4 hours between feedings). His feedings last from 20 minutes to almost an hour, so that didn't leave much time for getting anything else done over the weekend. He also reverted back to his newborn sleeping habits and woke up every few hours both Friday and Saturday nights. He's been sleeping through the night or waking up once - I had forgotten the joys of being up several times in the middle of the night! He slept with me for a few hours on Friday night in bed and in the rocker before finally sleeping a few hours in his crib. He seemed better today, so hopefully my milk supply is catching up with him. We'll be ready for solids soon!!
***Thanks to Aunt Amy and Grandma for all of the cute pictures!!!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
A few new pictures...
Here he is enjoying Praise Baby while Mommy cooks dinner. The Bumbo seat is one of the best inventions!
Peter and I visited some friends last weekend. Peter had a great time teaching Chris what it was like to have a baby around. Chris and his wife are expecting their first baby in August!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Dear God . . . Thank you for my refrigerator!
"Dear God . . . Thank you for the trees."
"Dear God . . . Thank you for my bed."
"Dear God . . . Please take care of my pet lizard that died 5 years ago."
After last weekend, I find myself praying a similar prayer.
"Dear God . . . Thank you for my refrigerator. Please help us get it fixed!"
Our refrigerator/freezer stopped working last weekend. We have had to throw out everything - including breastmilk that I had frozen for Peter. Throwing out chicken nuggets is one thing, but breastmilk is liquid gold! Luckily we caught it in time to get the milk from the refrigerator frozen in the deep freeze. Someone is coming on Wednesday to look at our fridge, but until then, we have no way of keeping things cold. I didn't realize how much I take my appliances for granted!
The prayers of the children may have seemed a bit silly to me, but they were not silly to God. He loves it when we thank Him for things He has given us. As Peter gets older, and I'm teaching him to pray, I will never laugh at him as he spends 10 minutes thanking God for each toy and piece of furniture in his room. God has provided all that we have, and we should be thankful for everything . . . even refrigerators!
Friday, February 8, 2008
Our Houston Visit
For those who have been asking...our visit with PawPaw was absolutely wonderful! Although he is still on the ventilator, we were able to talk and visit by reading his lips. He is improving more every day - eating solid foods, standing up for short periods of time, staying off the ventilator for an hour or so every day! Please continue to keep him in your prayers.