Peter turned 5 months old today. Time is definitely FLYING by!!! I am savoring every single moment that I have with him - he is such a joy! His favorite things these days are taking baths, playing in his exersaucer, and taking off his clothes. He can be so tired and cranky right before bed, but as soon as I undress him to only his diaper, he turns into the happiest baby in the world. He coos and squeals (another new skill) and has a great time. He also loves to read and chew on anything he can get in his mouth. He has no desire to roll over, but he is really trying to sit up. He is still nursing like a champ, and we'll be ready to start solid foods soon. I take a picture of him with Cookie Monster each month so I will be able to look back and see how he's grown over the first year. Here's a picture from today and a picture from Peter at a week old. It's amazing how much he has changed in just a few short months!
He has grown so very much!!!!
I love the Cookie Monster idea. What a great way to show how much he is growing and changing. He is such a beautiful baby!
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