Monday, February 25, 2008

A Week of Fun!!!

Grandma and Aunt Amy stayed last week and watched Peter while I was working. They were such a huge blessing to have around. We really enjoyed their visit!

Aunt Amy and Aunt Kim brought Mickey Mouse ears from their trip to Disney World last month. They even have Peter's name on the back! Aunt Amy and Peter having a special moment.
getting so big!
Lots of smiles!!!
Hanging out in the big bed
Grandma and Armani having a special moment. :)
Hanging out in the bumbo seat

Peter is discovering his tongue - it's so cute!

You're never too young to start reading. Falling asleep...

Peter was so upset that Grandma and Aunt Amy left, he had a very rough weekend -- or maybe he had a rough weekend because I think he has hit a major growth spurt! He decided to eat every 1.5 hours last weekend (as opposed to 3-4 hours between feedings). His feedings last from 20 minutes to almost an hour, so that didn't leave much time for getting anything else done over the weekend. He also reverted back to his newborn sleeping habits and woke up every few hours both Friday and Saturday nights. He's been sleeping through the night or waking up once - I had forgotten the joys of being up several times in the middle of the night! He slept with me for a few hours on Friday night in bed and in the rocker before finally sleeping a few hours in his crib. He seemed better today, so hopefully my milk supply is catching up with him. We'll be ready for solids soon!!

***Thanks to Aunt Amy and Grandma for all of the cute pictures!!!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

I love the reading picture! It's my favorite. I'm glad to hear that Peter is doing better today. I know it was a long weekend.

19 days 'till consignment sale!