Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Anniversary Dinner (aka The Day Peter Discovered Peanuts)

Andrew and I celebrated our 8th weddding anniversary yesterday. I can't believe that it's already been 8 years!!! Andrew got off work early because he's working Saturday, so we all went out to dinner at Logan's to celebrate. I've always enjoyed the food at Logan's, but now I have an entirely new appreciation for the place. It's the first dinner out in a while where Peter actually sat in his highchair the ENTIRE time!!! He often ends up on my lap at some point because he's done eating and just bored sitting in his highchair.

What is different about Logan's? It's the peanuts!!! There's a container of peanuts on every table. We just started giving Peter peanut butter a couple of months ago, so we knew he wasn't allergic to them. We'd just never given him any kind of nuts due to the possible choking hazard. Well, Peter LOVED them!!

Andrew and I would crack the shells and pull out the peanuts. Peter enjoyed throwing the shells on the ground. That's another cool thing about Logan's - everyone throws peanut shells on the floor, so it's no big deal when a toddler makes a mess eating dinner. :)

Then Peter would eat the nuts. He ate peanuts almost the entire time we were there. He didn't really touch his dinner (even the french fries, which he usually gobbles up), so he had it for lunch today. Eating peanuts and throwing the shells on the ground kept him busy the entire meal! It was so nice. :)

At the end, he watched the cooks in the kitchen. Peter enjoys cooking with me, so I hope he was taking notes!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

A dinner out with your husband without a toddler in your lap... what a nice anniversary gift from Peter!