Today was a big day! We had two major star sightings. The first one was early this morning, and the other one happened right before lunch.

Peter woke up early this morning. I'm not sure if he was ready to wake up or not because he was a bit grumpy. I got him some juice, and we settled in the living room to play for a while. Because the weather has been so cool, all the windows are open instead of running the A/C. This means that we can hear everything that is going on outside. Now, when Peter is sleeping, the windows in his room are closed so that the room will stay as quiet as possible. However, the rest of the windows in the house have been open 24/7.
So, early this morning, we hear the sound of the garbage truck. It was actually the recycling truck, but Peter doesn't know the difference. I have no idea which street it was on, but it wasn't on our street. Peter heard the noise right away - he LOVES garbage trucks these days! He kept looking out the window for the truck, but he couldn't find it. I finally told him that it was hiding and I'm sure we would see it soon.
Well, that apparently wasn't the answer Peter was looking at. It was barely 7am, but Peter went running down the hall to Aunt Amy's room. He knocked on her door before I could get to him. When she emerged, he asked her about the garbage truck. Apparently he thought that she might know where it was if Mommy didn't!
She didn't know much more that Mommy did, but she did come join us in the living room. We convinced Peter to play near the window so we'd be sure to see the truck when it finally made it down the street. It finally came, and Peter was a happy boy.
Star Sighting #1 -- The garbage truck!!!
Later in the morning, after breakfast and some playtime outside, we went to a cute little farm that had some animals and a little store where you could buy produce and baked goods. Peter had a blast looking at and feeding some of the animals.
He also had fun being some of the animals!
There were several other families there at the same time. I had no idea who this lady was, but Grandma recognized her right away. Jillian Armenante was there with her daughter and mother. Apparently she's been in a lot of TV shows, but I didn't recognize her at all. Still, she's famous, and she ducked her head when I went to get a picture of Peter that she thought she was in as well. So, Star Sighting #2 -- Jillian Armenante! I'm pretty sure that Peter would rank #1 over #2. :)
We finished up our visit to the farm by looking at some beautiful flowers!
1 comment:
Like children are soooo into minor celebs when there are goats to be seen! I'm glad to hear that Peter liked the farm. We've been thinking of taking Michael to a farm soon but weren't sure if it would very interesting to him. Since he's in Peter's cohort, I'm thinking we should give it a try!
I love the garbage truck story, too.
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