Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spring Break 2010

Well, Spring Break is officially over. The strange thing this year is that it didn't even feel like Spring Break to me. As a student, I always looked forward to that cherished week in March that meant no school. As a teacher, that week became even more important as a way to recharge to get ready for the end of the school year. As a teacher and a mom, Spring Break took on new meaning - it was a full week that I got to be home with my sweet little boy. This year, though, Spring Break was just another week. I've been on maternity/medical leave for 3 months now, so even the weekends feel the same as any other day.

However, the best part about Spring Break this year was that other teachers are also off work. That meant my mom spending a few days with us and our family being able to hang out with the Nolen family. I saw Rebecca many nights at the hospital (well, I don't remember most of them!), but I've only seen her once since I've been home. Our kids have always played well together, so we spent the first day of Spring Break playing. :)

After breakfast, we spent some time at the park. It was a bit cooler than we thought it would be, but the kiddos didn't care. They just wanted to play outside!! Mom spent most of the time chasing after Peter and Sydney while Rebecca tended to Jack and I fed Danielle and tried to keep her warm. Towards the end, Mom and I traded kids. Just chasing Peter around for 15 minutes or so wore me out!!!

We headed to the library next. Georgetown has an amazing section of the library for kids. There is so much to do, and that didn't even include looking at books. :) We had never been there before, so Peter had a great time playing in the kitchen area, working puzzles with Nana, and reading books in a jeep.
We were all exhausted by the time we got home, and it took me 3 days to feel better again. However, it was great to hang out with friends and celebrate Spring Break 2010 with them! I am also very grateful that my mom was able to be with us. She was a huge help with the kids and housework, and I'm glad that she and Peter got to spend so much time together. Mom, we'll see you this summer! Rest up for crazy Peter! :)


Rebecca said...

We had such a good time. I'm glad, though, that we went out when your mom first got here so that you had time with her at the house to recover from all the fun!

Summer Kinard said...

Great photos! I'm glad you were up to getting out like that, even if it meant a 3 day recovery.

Unknown said...

Hello, I'm Brazilian.
How Are You?
You Have A Beautiful Family! Congratulations On It! I Hope To Be Happy Forever!