Friday, April 16, 2010

2 1/2 Years!

Dear Peter,

You turned 2 1/2 at the end of March, and you are really growing up!! You amaze me every day - you are brilliant!!! Your speech is amazing. You usually speak in complete sentences, and I am very impressed that you often use correct grammar. You have lots of friends, and you talk about them often - Avery, Sam, Gerry, Hudson, Sydney, and many more. Your favorite color right now is green - you always ask for two pieces of green candy (ok, really the wrappers are green) after lunch. Besides your apple juice in the morning, your favorite thing to drink is lemonade (well, you call it wemonade!).
I love how we can have actual conversations. Your are a real chatterbox, and it's so neat to be able to actually have a glimpse of what is going on in your head. It makes me so happy to hear you tell me that you love me! You have such a sweet heart, and it's neat to hear you talk about your concern for someone else. You seem genuinely sad when someone else is crying, and you often try to comfort your little sister when she's upset.
I think your absolute favorite thing to do these days is to play outside in the backyard. You often ask me, "Please I play outside in the backyard?" You play in your little house, chase Homer all around the yard, go down your slide, and spend a lot of time in your swing. You will soon have a playscape to play on as well, so I know you will love that!

I'm so excited to see what the next six months will bring as we get closer to your 3rd birthday. I love you, and I am so proud of the little boy that you are becoming.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love this post. Peter, you are an amazing little boy and I love you so much! <3 Aunt Amy (from New Jersey)