Sunday, April 4, 2010

3 Months!

Dear Danielle,

I can't believe that you are already 3 months old! Time has flown! I am so thankful to be home to celebrate each of your new milestones with you. Your personality is really starting to shine! You enjoy looking at everything going on around you, and you are really starting to interact with people. We love looking at your smile! :) You are starting to get into some sort of a schedule with your eating, sleeping, and awake time. You are a great napper during the day - if you are in someones arms. You still don't really prefer sleeping by yourself during the day. Night, however, is a different story. You typically go to bed between 8:30pm and 11:00pm, and you sleep until between 6am and 7am!!! Yes, at 3 months of age, you are sleeping through the night!! You are still sleeping in your glider (although it isn't turned on), so this may change once we move you to your bed soon. As far as eating, you eat every 2 - 4 hours. You take 4 oz in your bottles, and you are nursing some as well. When you're awake and not eating, you enjoy sitting in your rocking chair, playing on your playmat, and sitting in your bumbo seat! You are such a joy, and I thank God every day for healing me so I can enjoy each day with you! I love you!




Elizabeth said...

Dear Danielle,
I wish you would come teach a little boy who is 4 1/2 month olds to sleep through the night. What is your secret? Such a good girl for your Mommy! Keep it up!

Mya and River said...

Wow, she is an amazing little girl with an amazing momma!! Happy Easter!!

Anonymous said...

So sweet! Miss Danielle looks like a "tall drink of water" as Pop would say :)

Kara Hazen said...

So after bragging about her sleeping through the night, Danielle was awake at 2am this morning for a bottle. I think she read my post and decided to show me that she still needs me in the middle of the night. :)