Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Be Thankful . . .

. . .for the life that God has given you. Be thankful for your family and for your health. Be thankful for your children. Praise God every day for every blessing he has given you.

Daylight savings frustrates me. It used to be no big deal. I just set my clock to a different time and went on with life. Then I had a baby. Babies don't know how to read clocks. Peter has no idea what time it is, but his biological clock is saying, "Wait, it's too early to go to bed!" He is used to going to bed at 8pm. Ever since we had to set the clocks forward last weekend, he won't go to sleep until 9pm. I have been a bit frustrated that I can't get him to bed early enough so that I still have some time before I go to bed.

Then I read about Tricia and baby Gwyneth. Tricia has cystic fibrosis and is waiting for a double-lung transplant. Gwyneth was born at 24 weeks and is living in the NICU until she's strong enough to go home. Nate, Tricia's husband, spends almost all of his time at the hospital in his wife's room or holding baby Gwyneth.

My baby may not want to go to bed when I want him to, but at least he's at home with me. I can hold him whenever I want to. I remember Peter all hooked up to monitors in the NICU - It's not something I want to experience again. However, he was out in 2 days. Gwyneth will likely be there another couple of months.

I have added a link to Nate's blog about Tricia and Gwyneth. Please add them to your prayer list! I stumbled across this blog completely by accident, but it has brought me such encouragement as I read about a family who has many reasons to complain about life. However, instead of complaining, they continue to praise God for all that he is doing and thank him for all of their blessings.

Check it out...


CFHusband said...

Thank you!

Rebecca said...

You are so right. It is so easy to get wrapped up in the irritations of daily life that we forget to say: "Thank you, God, that my biggest problem is my daughter has hit the terrible twos ahead of schedule. And by the way, thank you for my daughter, and thank you for the spirit you have given her, and thank you for seeing her past her first birthday and on to her second...."

Thanks for the reminder!

Mommy said...

I am so very greatful that our little boy was able to stay inside as long as he did. I'm not sure I would have been strong enough to deal with the NICU for this long. We will pray for this little one and her family!