Saturday, March 22, 2008

Splish Splash - I Was Takin' a Bath

Bath time has just gotten TONS more fun. After Peter's last bath, there wasn't a dry spot on the kitchen table or floor near his bathtub. He just enjoys splashing way too much. Today I moved his little bathtub into the big bathtub. He had a GREAT time this morning splashing water everywhere. Yes, everything still got wet - the tub, the toilet, me . . . But, that's ok - we were in a bathroom! I let him splash around a while before bathing him, and he really enjoyed being able to play. Now it's time to get bath toys.

Before getting in the bathtub, Peter discovered that there is another little boy living in our house that looks exactly like him! He spent several minutes sitting (yes, sitting up ALONE!) on the bathroom counter getting to know the other little boy that lives with us.

Although he's seen him before, this is the first time that he's interacted with him. He even tried to touch him. It was so cute. :)


Anonymous said...

He is absolutely the cutest little guy I've ever seen!

Rebecca said...

I LOVE that your bath time pictures are rated G!

Isn't the baby in the mirror great?

Kara Hazen said...

The ripples of the water and the splashing definitely worked in my favor for these pictures!

I put the picture of Peter touching the mirror on my computer at school. The kids think it's hilarious that he doesn't have a clue it's himself in the mirror!