Friday, March 21, 2008

A Very Satisfied Customer

Nursing these days has turned into a contact sport. I spend 10-30 minutes getting kicked, pinched, hit, touched, and scratched while Peter enjoys a meal. I have learned that if I give him my thumb to hold, that usually keeps his hand occupied. It's the feet that are still in constant motion. However, even through all of that, the cutest thing he has started doing is at the end. After he's full, he has started licking and smacking is lips. It's like he's saying, "Thanks Mom - that was good!"
When I started breastfeeding, my goal was to continue for the first year. As of next week, we're halfway there! I'm very excited that it has worked out so well. Peter turns 6 months old next Friday, so we'll be ready to start solids. What an adventure that will be! Pictures will be posted, so be looking for them. :)

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