Thursday, March 25, 2010
Peter and his Harmonica
So Papa John has introduced Peter to the harmonica, and Peter LOVES it! 
It's a great instrument for a toddler to play because it makes noise both when you blow in and when you blow out. Peter has had so much fun playing songs for people. Here's a video of Papa John teaching Peter how to play. Papa John is taking harmonica lessons, so it's nice that he can pass on his knowledge. :)
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Q & A
Q - Do you remember anything from the time you were on the ventilator? Did you have any specific dreams?
A - I get this question a lot. It's interesting, because I really don't remember anything that happened while I was on the vent, and it's very weird to me to think that I just totally missed almost 2 weeks of my life. After asking to be put on the ventilator, I don't remember anything until the Sunday before I came off the ventilator. I have been told that people came to visit and I tried to communicate by writing or pointing at letters. I think that I was only able to write at the beginning, though, because I remember trying to point to letters that Sunday when I was more alert. I tried so hard to get my point across, but I think I was pointing to all of the wrong letters.
The one consistent dream that I did have while on the vent was about a man and his son fishing. Both were extremely obese, and they would sit in my ICU room every night fishing. They were always in the same corner. I kept trying to tell them that they needed to get another hobby - one that would provide some exercise. I later found out that there was a supply cabinet in the general location that they were fishing in. I was probably hearing nurses getting supplies, and I turned that noise into fishing. I also dreamed that the ceiling in the ICU was made of M&Ms. :)
Once I was off the sedation enough to remember a little, it was quite scary. I still had the vent, but I couldn't really communicate. I know that I was told a little about my condition, but that scared me more, so I didn't want to hear about it right then. During the night before the vent was pulled the next day, I thought that cell phones were going off all night. All of the ringers were turned off, but I was convinced that I heard cell phones vibrating all night. Turns out it was the special bed that I was on - it was inflating and deflating, and I thought the noise was cell phones. I also dreamed that night that doctors and nurses were coming through my room the entire night - they would enter on one side of the room and exit through a door that didn't really exist.
Some of the nurses called the sedation drug "Milk of amnesia" because it makes you forget all that happens while you are sedated. After hearing all that I went through, I'm glad not to have those memories.
A - I get this question a lot. It's interesting, because I really don't remember anything that happened while I was on the vent, and it's very weird to me to think that I just totally missed almost 2 weeks of my life. After asking to be put on the ventilator, I don't remember anything until the Sunday before I came off the ventilator. I have been told that people came to visit and I tried to communicate by writing or pointing at letters. I think that I was only able to write at the beginning, though, because I remember trying to point to letters that Sunday when I was more alert. I tried so hard to get my point across, but I think I was pointing to all of the wrong letters.
The one consistent dream that I did have while on the vent was about a man and his son fishing. Both were extremely obese, and they would sit in my ICU room every night fishing. They were always in the same corner. I kept trying to tell them that they needed to get another hobby - one that would provide some exercise. I later found out that there was a supply cabinet in the general location that they were fishing in. I was probably hearing nurses getting supplies, and I turned that noise into fishing. I also dreamed that the ceiling in the ICU was made of M&Ms. :)
Once I was off the sedation enough to remember a little, it was quite scary. I still had the vent, but I couldn't really communicate. I know that I was told a little about my condition, but that scared me more, so I didn't want to hear about it right then. During the night before the vent was pulled the next day, I thought that cell phones were going off all night. All of the ringers were turned off, but I was convinced that I heard cell phones vibrating all night. Turns out it was the special bed that I was on - it was inflating and deflating, and I thought the noise was cell phones. I also dreamed that night that doctors and nurses were coming through my room the entire night - they would enter on one side of the room and exit through a door that didn't really exist.
Some of the nurses called the sedation drug "Milk of amnesia" because it makes you forget all that happens while you are sedated. After hearing all that I went through, I'm glad not to have those memories.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Spring Break 2010
Well, Spring Break is officially over. The strange thing this year is that it didn't even feel like Spring Break to me. As a student, I always looked forward to that cherished week in March that meant no school. As a teacher, that week became even more important as a way to recharge to get ready for the end of the school year. As a teacher and a mom, Spring Break took on new meaning - it was a full week that I got to be home with my sweet little boy. This year, though, Spring Break was just another week. I've been on maternity/medical leave for 3 months now, so even the weekends feel the same as any other day.

However, the best part about Spring Break this year was that other teachers are also off work. That meant my mom spending a few days with us and our family being able to hang out with the Nolen family. I saw Rebecca many nights at the hospital (well, I don't remember most of them!), but I've only seen her once since I've been home. Our kids have always played well together, so we spent the first day of Spring Break playing. :)

After breakfast, we spent some time at the park. It was a bit cooler than we thought it would be, but the kiddos didn't care. They just wanted to play outside!! Mom spent most of the time chasing after Peter and Sydney while Rebecca tended to Jack and I fed Danielle and tried to keep her warm. Towards the end, Mom and I traded kids. Just chasing Peter around for 15 minutes or so wore me out!!!
We headed to the library next. Georgetown has an amazing section of the library for kids. There is so much to do, and that didn't even include looking at books. :) We had never been there before, so Peter had a great time playing in the kitchen area, working puzzles with Nana, and reading books in a jeep.
We were all exhausted by the time we got home, and it took me 3 days to feel better again. However, it was great to hang out with friends and celebrate Spring Break 2010 with them! I am also very grateful that my mom was able to be with us. She was a huge help with the kids and housework, and I'm glad that she and Peter got to spend so much time together. Mom, we'll see you this summer! Rest up for crazy Peter! :)
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Hazen Family 2nd Annual Pi Day Celebration
Well, Pi Day is here again (click here to see Pi Day 2009). Being the math nerd that I am, we of course had to celebrate by doing things today related to circles. I think I'll teach Peter about circumference and diameter next year, but for now, we stuck with just focusing on the circle.
We went to Kiddie Acres with Papa John and rode rides that went around in a circle...
Papa John even brought along his harmonica to make train whistle sounds while riding the train...
Danielle wondered what all the excitement was about. Maybe she'll enjoy Pi Day 2011 a little better. :)
Peter explored the circular lens cap to my camera...
It's All About Peter
So Peter has been having a difficult time lately with the transition from "only child" to "oldest child." He has been acting out and trying to get attention, and it's getting pretty frustrating for me. I have learned that things go better when he has stuff to occupy his time - he doesn't do as well when he has too much time on his hands to think about how to get himself into trouble! Now that the weather is better, we can spend more time outside. Peter LOVES being outside. In fact, he would live outside if I let him. Because my energy level is just not where it used to be and I get so sore from the outings that we have taken outside, I need a way for him to play and get his energy out here at the house. Andrew spent yesterday morning getting the backyard ready for Peter to play again. Peter was so happy to spend the entire morning outside! He ran around the backyard, helped Daddy weed the front flowerbed, and enjoyed some time at the park. Then we had BBQ for lunch (one of Peter's favorite things to eat!!) and enjoyed playing with the toys at a nearby toy store. Papa John even stopped by while we were eating to say hi and play with toys with us. Here are a few pictures of Peter enjoying the day!!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
So the weather today was absolutely beautiful! It's been a wet and cold winter around here, so it was nice to be able to go outside to play without coats and long sleeved shirts. The kids and I joined some twin/triplet mommies and kiddos at a nearby park to play and have lunch. Peter enjoyed the fresh air, and I enjoyed getting out of the house. Because my immune system isn't back to normal, I am finding myself not feeling well lately - stomach bug, congestion, sore throat, coughing, etc. I am pretty much staying home (except for church and a couple of meals out) to try to stay away from some of the germs that I would prefer not to have enter my body. If the weather will continue to cooperate, it will be great to get outside more!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Q & A
Q - How did Peter do with you being gone so long? How is he doing with Danielle?
A - Let me first say that I'm so glad that Peter is only 2!! He does not really have a concept of time, so I don't think the three weeks I was in the hospital felt as long to him as they really were. He was kept occupied with his time at Krista's and all of the visitors that were in and out of the house. I don't think that he will remember any of this in the future, so I'm so glad that his age protected him from really being affected by Mommy being gone. When I did arrive home, he quickly climbed in my lap and things soon seemed as if I had never been gone. I did notice, however, that he is now willing to go to Daddy for more things than before. He was always a Mommy's boy, so it's helpful that he's ok with other people doing things for him or helping him when he's hurt.
As far as with Danielle, that is something that we are just now seeing really affect him. Today is the first full day that I have both kids on my own. Well, Peter's at Krista's right now to play with Avery, Hudson, Isaac, Hunter, and Isaiah, but I have him the rest of the day until Andrew gets home. That means that for the first time since Danielle came home from the hospital, he has to share mommy. That's a difficult thing for someone who had Mommy to himself for so long! We have noticed a lot of jealousy and acting out - he isn't obeying at all when I call him or ask him to do something (or stop doing something!), and he is having a HUGE problem with throwing toys at both Danielle and me. I really believe that he is just trying to get attention, and Andrew and I are brainstorming creative ways to discipline when he throws things, hits, sits on Danielle, etc. He really does love her - in fact, he loves her so much sometimes that he is often a little too loving. Then he ends up hurting her. Let's just say that this sibling relationship is a work in progress, and we will continue to be creative with teaching Peter obedience during this transition in his life
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
2 Months
Aunt Kim and I took Danielle to her 2-month checkup today. I really can't believe that it's only been 2 months. So much has happened in the last two months that it feels like it should be so much longer. Danielle got a clean bill of health, and she's right on track as far as her growth goes. She weighs 12.4 lbs (86th percentile) and is 24 inches long (94th percentile). After looking back at Peter's stats, she's very close. Peter was also 24 inches long, but he weighed one pound less. Danielle weighed about a pound more at birth than Peter did, so a pound more now makes sense.

Texas Independence Day
Today we celebrated Texas Independence Day, the day Texas gained its independence from Mexico. I'm sure you are thinking that it's not really a day to celebrate since Texas joined the U.S. 9 years after claiming this independence, but it definitely gave us a reason to have a little fun today. Aunt Kim is in town from New Jersey for a few days, and Papa John also came and joined in the fun because he had the day off (thanks to working for the state!).

We started by finger painting the state of Texas. We talked about the different cities that Aunt Kim has visited in Texas. Before today, Peter repeatedly said that Texas was the top floor of our house. I'm sure he now has a better grasp of where Texas is - or at least he has a better grasp of how to make a mess with his fingers and paint! :)

Then Peter and Aunt Kim finger painted and colored some of the state symbols - the longhorn, the armadillo, and the bluebonnet.
We ended our morning with BBQ for lunch (at Peter's request - he now associates Papa John with BBQ because he's brought it over several times for dinner). Nothing says "Texas" more than a little brisket, potato salad, and coleslaw.

Danielle wasn't too interested in the festivities - maybe next year. :)

Danielle wasn't too interested in the festivities - maybe next year. :)
Aunt Kim and Papa John - thanks for celebrating Texas Independence Day with us! Next up - Pi Day!!!
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