Wow - it's already been a full month since I was released from the hospital. It sometimes feels like it has been way longer than that, but then other times it feels like I just came home the other day. I know a lot of you have been wondering how the recovery process has been, so I wanted to just give you a quick update. There have also been many questions that I keep getting over and over - things like "Did you feel yourself getting sick?" and "Do you remember anything that happened while you were on the ventilator?". I'll answer some of those questions in future posts as I have time to sit and write. Having a newborn and a toddler are definitely keeping me extremely busy, so blogging has moved down a bit on the priority list.
As far as how I'm feeling physically, recovery has gone remarkably well. When I came home from the hospital, I could not walk on my own. I couldn't pick up Danielle, and I for sure couldn't pick up Peter. I had to really think when I tried to sit up so I could get out of bed. Now, a month later, I can do almost everything I can and need to do - walking, carrying Danielle, climbing stairs, driving, etc. I can pick Peter up and walk with him for a short distance, but I am pretty tired after doing that. In fact, the main thing right now is just building up my stamina. I get tired easily, so I'm thankful to be home right now so I can take frequent breaks and just rest.
Emotionally, it's been up and down. On top of postpartum hormones, I had no idea the range of emotions I would feel after coming out of a situation where I almost lost my life. There are good days and rough days, but the good days are definitely more common right now. I have been given a second chance at life, and I need to just keep telling myself that to get past some of the emotions and fear that I am dealing with inside.
Mornings like we had this morning keep me going. Peter climbed up on the chair and scooted all the way to one side. He told me to sit with him. Then he said, "We are here together. Me and you." That brings joy to my heart. :)

Aw! He is just the sweetest! Love him to pieces! Kara, you are doing so well and we are so thankful for that. Just keep taking it one day at a time. God has blessed you so much!
what a sweet boy you have, love the jammies.
Your experience has inspired me. It seemed almost unreal that those events took place after having such a healthy baby, but we never know what plans God has for us. As you handle your own emotions, think about the number of people your experience touched. I'm sorry that you had to go through it, but even for me, I appreciate the time I have with my own children because of what happened to you. Also, seeing all the love and support you received from your family, friends, church group was very inspiring to me. Not to mention the things Rebecca did to keep us all updated, all your husband did to keep your wishes met. Kara, take comfort in the knowledge that your sickness was a positive thing for MANY people, lots who know you and I bet many who don't.
Keep getting stronger and keep us posted too!
Thanks for the update, Kara, and glad to hear things are going well. Peter's sweet words made me tear up. What a cutie!
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