Friday, January 22, 2010

Baby Steps

(Hey guys, Rebecca again)

I went up to see Kara and she was so excited because not only had she actually gotten out of bed (with help), but she had gotten a shower and actually felt a little bit of fresh air on her way to physical therapy this morning.

Can you believe that less than a week ago, she couldn't even breathe on her own?

Right now, Kara is very focused on getting stronger as fast as possible so that she can get home and finish her recovery.

They are definitely staying at the hospital through the weekend and early next week the doctor will decide if she needs to stay in the hospital longer (not likely), go to a rehab facility (possible), or if she can go straight home (which, as she says, if she's strong enough to do it, would be ideal).

And for those of you who have been patiently waiting, Kara says this weekend would be a great time to stop by for a quick visit. Her spirits have been staying pretty high, but I know some company would help keep her motivated and feeling good.


Anonymous said...

Go Kara, Go Kara!

Anonymous said...

love you Kara!!!!
praying for you!

Unknown said...

So glad to see you starting to get up and around! We're still praying for a quick return to your normal strength, so you can be with your babies again.
Love ya,
Kristen Keeran