Thursday, January 28, 2010

We're Outta Here!

Once I finished all the meds and IVs, I was definitely ready to get out of the hospital. The doctor was ready for me to go as well. After all, there wasn't a medical reason for me to stay. Insurance wasn't going to pay for me just to hang out and get stronger. A week ago, the physical therapists helped me take my first steps in weeks using the parallel bars. On Saturday, another physical therapist came in and helped me walk a few steps using a walker.

When I talked to the doctor, he told me that he was ready to send me home once I could walk 60 steps - enough steps to get around my house some.

Walking those first steps were hard, but we walked down the hallway the next day, and the doctor released me to go home.

Now, less than a week later, I am walking easily with the walker, and today I have been actually walking around on my own. My muscles are still really weak, so I make sure to have something to grab onto if I start to fall, but walking 100% independently is in the very near future!!

clean after a shower :)

walking with the walker

in the car - heading home!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

amazing! muscles aside, you look like nothing much happened to you!