Monday, January 25, 2010

Kara Signing In

So I finally get to take my blog back over - it's good to be back!!! When Rebecca told me that I could add her as an administrator so that she could add a picture of the baby once she was born, I thought that was a great idea. Little did I know what would really end up happening...

This whole experience has given me so many things to process. At this point, typing still takes a bit longer than it used to, but the only way to regain all of the strength that I had previously is to practice, practice, practice. Blogging through a lot of this will help me to process so much of what has happened over the last three weeks.

It's hard to believe that exactly 3 weeks ago today was the day I entered the hospital. Today I am home, holding my children, and working on regaining all of the strength that I lost from being on the vent for nearly 2 weeks with basically no movement. It's amazing how quickly you lose muscles that aren't used.

Since coming home on Sunday, I've gotten to read with my little boy and hold my sweet little girl for the first time in almost 3 weeks. Just holding my kids is a miracle in itself. Praise God for giving me a second chance to be mom!


Kim said...

what a miracle, an answer to our fervent prayers...

in case you're not sure, I'm Jeremy's mom. welcome back!

Anonymous said...

I'm Hunter Riza's mother who you had last year. Eddie shared with me about your being ill and am so glad you are better. I felt like I had been reminded to share our appreciation to you much delayed for all you did for Hunter. You were the ONE who saw the "light" in him and nominated him for PAWS - the one positive among many negatives. For that and you, we/ I are so truly thankful! You have such a gift for reaching children and encouraging them especially those who may not always get recognized for positive reasons. THANK YOU! Please let me know if I can ever help you in any way. Don't ever forget your gift for children! You were truly an angel for us last year for never giving up on him and always being his positive. THANKS again...and may God continue to bless you and your family. Ed and Jane Wrinkle

Elizabeth said...

I am so happy for you. I feel like Brandy, your pics with your kids made me cry! Think I'll hug my own kids a little tighter tonight!
Wishing you the best as you regain your strength!

Victoria said...

What a wonderful answer to our prayers! I stopped by your room while you were sleeping early in your stay, and you've been in our prayers every single day. We've been reading your blog every day and are filled with joy that you are home with your babies and husband!

Victoria Kelly :)

Rebecca said...

It is so good to see you back!

Anonymous said...

Kara, seeing these pics of you with the kids brings tears to my eyes. What a remarkable reunion

Much love,

Julie Redden said...

I am so thankful to hear that!!!!! The best part is you are back with your little ones - so very sweet. I loved the pictures where you are with Peter & Danielle- started to cry - so thankful to see you back again & that you are able to be there to love on them.

DebraLynn said...

Welcome back. I came to your blog long ago as a link from Rebecca's. She's my best friend from college. And while I always love hearing from Rebecca. I am overjoyed at the answer to prayer, and that you are back.

I will continue to pray for your increased strength.

Mya and River said...

You are not allowed to make me cry anymore!!!! ;) That picture of you with Danielle is so beautiful! You look amazing.

Kara Hazen said...

Thanks for all of the comments. I will never again take holding or being with my kids for granted. I can't wait for full strength to return so that I can pick them up and actually take care of them again.