Sunday, January 10, 2010

Big Brother

(Hey all, Rebecca here)

Today I have pictures of Peter and Danielle.

I think one of the biggest concerns any mother has when she is expecting her second (or later) child is how the birth of the new baby will affect the child(ren) at home.

From what I hear, Peter is doing great! He had a couple of moments when Kara was home where she was nursing Danielle and he wanted to be held, too, but after some mommy-snuggles, he was happy to leave her nursing and he would go off and play.

This is (I believe) Peter and Danielle's first meeting. After seeing this picture, I thought to myself, Why didn't I take my boppy to the hospital? I had such struggles getting comfortable nursing in the hospital and then I would come home with the boppy and do fine. Yet, it never occurred to me to bring it up to the hospital. Kara is so practical.

Anyway, Peter likes to hold Danielle with the boppy pillow.

This is at the house. I think this is Friday, when Danielle first came home from the hospital. Again, see the use of the boppy.

Here Peter is helping his grandma feed Danielle a bottle. I love that he has such a helpful spirit about him.
A close up of big brother and little sister. How sweet is it that she is sleeping on his lap?

Hospital update: Kara is doing about the same. Her heart rate and respiration rate had come down some yesterday, but are still higher than the doctors would like to see. The word we keep hearing is "plateau" as in she has reached a plateau everything is staying about the same. The hope is that after a few days of "plateauing," she will start getting better, but the bottom line is that we are very grateful that she is not getting any worse and will take a plateau over a worsening condition any day. Keep praying!


Anonymous said...

yes, rebecca, those pics of peter and danielle are from the day she came home, precious!

also, peter picked out that blue shirt in old navy from what kara said...i just loved him in that outfit and thought he was extra cute that day!

Rebecca said...

Thanks for helping me out with the details, Kim!