Weight - 9 lbs 13 oz (69%)
Length - 22.5 inches (93%)

***I also had a follow-up appointment with my family doctor (who is married to and shares and office with our pediatrician) today. It went well. Everyone in the office kept saying how glad they were to see me. The last time I was in the office, I was gasping for breath. Dr. Esparza listened to my lungs and was glad to hear me breathing better. I still don't have full lung function back, but I have some breathing exercises to do at home to help with that. She told me to stay away from people who are sick and come see her immediately if I start to feel short of breath or run fever.
We discussed breastfeeding and the steroids that were given to me in the hospital. After some discussion between both doctors, I was cleared to begin trying to breastfeed Danielle again. We'll start with adding pumped milk to her formula. This weekend I'll work on getting her to latch on again. She did nurse for a week, so she knows how. However, she's been on a bottle for a little over 3 weeks. It's much easier to get milk from the bottle than from breastfeeding, so I am expecting the latching process to be just that - a process. However, I didn't have my husband continue with pumping in the ICU for no reason. I asked for him to do it because I fully intended to nurse my daughter again. God answered our prayers and healed my body - a complete miracle! God can answer our prayers and help my baby breastfeed again. The road won't be easy and it won't happen overnight, but I sincerely believe that my daughter will eventually be nursing like a champ again. I'll keep you posted. :)
I am also so glad you got to be at the appointment!
How awesome that you can start giving Danielle your milk again. I can only imagine how disheartening it must have been to have to "pump and dump" -- so much more rewarding to be giving that liquid gold to a beautiful baby!
We shall pray for the success in breastfeeding as well.
Wow! She is a cutie. Glad everyone is doing well and/or much better!
(Michelle Scates)
Kara, holding Danielle looks good on you!
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