I have been meeting a lot of amazing people who love Kara, Andrew, Peter and Danielle. Really. I cannot believe how many people are doing so many things for the Hazens right now. But the person I want to express my admiration for today is Kara's mother-in-law.
I know how much Kara likes things to be done a certain way and not only is Mrs. Hazen caring for Peter and Danielle with loving attention, she is taking the time to do things just because Kara would want them done.
My example?
I don't know how many of you remember the pictures Kara used to take of Peter and Cookie Monster, but if you click here (or here, here,here, here or here) you can go back and see them. Anyway, apparently Kara had a plan to do something similar with Danielle, only using Big Bird instead.
So of course, Mrs. Hazen did just that.
It was such a cute idea when Kara did it with Peter and I know she is going to be so grateful that it was started for Danielle as well.
Rebecca, thank you so much for posting this about my mom. It brought tears to my eyes. She is doing all she can to keep things as normal as possible for Peter and Danielle too. That picture is so cute and I know Kara will be thrilled that the tradition does continue. (Amy)
Love it, love it, love it!
(michelle, who can't remember her pw and un)
That is too cute.
Very sweet!!!!
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