Wednesday, January 13, 2010


(Hey guys, Rebecca here)

Peter went to Krista's (his regular sitter) house today so that Andrew and his mom could both take Danielle to her doctor's visit. Danielle is now two weeks old and weighs 9 pounds even (that's up from 8 pounds 5 ounces last week) and grew a half an inch. The doctor said she was absolutely perfect.

Actually, the doctor only gave length and weight and I made up the part about her being absolutely perfect, but she is, so there.

Peter had a great time with Krista and she gave him a little Mohawk, which was super cute.

Andrew said that Peter has also learned to correctly drink out of a bottle like this... apparently he used to put his mouth around the entire top and that led to some messes. Andrew told Peter that this is kiwi strawberry, Daddy's favorite.

Peter response? "It's Peter's favorite."

Hospital update: Kara has her new bed which inflates to put her on a 40 degree angle on either side and will help with the side effects of being relatively motionless for so long. Her heart rate was around 100, much improved, and her respiration rate, at least while I was there, was around 30. They have started the steroids and are now waiting to see what impact they have on Kara.


Phoenix Berries said...

I love the faux-hawk, and I'm so glad that Kara is improving.

Anonymous said...

Hi Rebecca, it's Amy, Andrew's sister. Thank you so much for keeping up with the blog. I love seeing pictures of the kids and reading about them. It's hard being so far away especially at a time like this so we appreciate it so much. I know that it will mean the world to Kara to look back on someday when she is healthy again. Thanks for being such a great friend to her! God Bless!